鲁道夫·威廉·路易斯·“鲁迪”·朱利安尼三世(英语:Rudolph William Louis
Joomla 4 beta2-dev — No more articles in backend but showing in front end
[5.0.3] Articles in backend not visible
通常,最好从 joomla 根中删除所有文件并在恢复网站的早期版本之前清空数据库。
Free Extensions | JoomlaTema
Professional Stable Lightweight Joomla Free Extensions Download
NorrNext - Joomla™ Extensions, Ecommerce Plugins & Services
NorrNext provides premium extensions and templates for Joomla, WordPress, YOOtheme Pro and e-commerce platforms.
Speedup, by SafetyBis Ltd. - Joomla Extension Directory
Increasing website performance and reducing load time.
How to change the author of 350 articles with one batch process
Ver. 4.6.6 for J5 changelog: Added files constant in order to avoid initialize error Ver. 4.6.5: (!) Slide description - fixed HTML saving Ver. 4.6.4 for J5 cha...
HOT Joomla Carousel, by HotThemes - Joomla Extension Directory
Need to display your images as a carousel? Can be done easily with responsive Hot Joomla Carousel!
Proofreader, by Pavel Syomin - Joomla Extension Directory
Proofreader is a tool for sending reports about typos on the site
SP Easy Image Gallery - Free Photo Gallery Joomla Extension - JoomShaper
免费的响应式图像/照片库 joomla 组件/扩展
K2 to Content Migration, by JoomHelper - Joomla Extension Directory
Imported data includes: - All K2 Articles + Intro Image - All K2 Categories - All K2 tags - All K2 Extra Fields - Attachments (Required plugin installation: File Attachments)
Migrate K2 articles from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4
This article describes a procedure for importing larger Joomla3 websites that run with the K2 article system into a Joomla4 system. The basic handling of Joomla, ...
Past and Current Projects · Artur Neumann
Garmin Link to heading Battery Guesstimate Link to heading Shows the battery charge over time (including Solar charge if available) Estimates how long the battery would last (better than the build-in estimation) Notifies the phone when a set thres...
Update of the K2 Import / Export tool
The tool to export data from K2 to a CSV file and to import data from a CSV file to K2 just got updated. 2.1 for Joomla 3.x changes: small bugfixes be...
K2 | The powerful content extension for Joomla! developed by JoomlaWorks
K2 is the popular, powerful and awarded content extension for Joomla! with CCK-like features developed by JoomlaWorks, makers of fine Joomla! extensions since 2006. It provides an out-of-the box integrated solution featuring rich content forms for...
Phoca - Google AdSense Easy Module
Phoca Site Plugin
Google OAuth 2.0授权登录并获取用户信息_谷歌授权登录-CSDN博客
Social Login for Joomla | Social Sharing | Joomla Plugin
Social Login for Joomla plugin enables social login, social sharing, social comments using social login apps like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte, LinkedIn, Windows Live, Instagram, Amazon, Salesforce, Yahoo, WordPress. NO SETUP required for ...
文章浏览阅读3.7w次,点赞13次,收藏71次。这篇文章包含了google登录授权从API创建、到使用Java代码完成登录的一个完整demo。目录了解Auth2.0创建API服务使用API了解Auth2.0google相关文档:https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2google账号授权登录用的就是Auth2.0协议。举一个例子了解Auth2.0的设计模式。令牌 Token你在公司某个周五的下午点了一杯奶茶,楼下有个需要...
Improved AJAX Login & Register, by Offlajn - Joomla Extension Directory
Register and Login with Facebook | Google | Twitter | LinkedIn | Microsoft account! Create your own registration form easily in the Live Form Editor using Drag & Drop! Check this short tutorial video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?...
Akeeba SocialLogin 3.3.1
Google OAuth 2授权 - 错误:redirect_uri_mismatch_google 登录授权返回错误信息-CSDN博客
文章浏览阅读6.8k次。本文介绍了在使用Google OAuth 2授权时遇到的'redirect_uri_mismatch'错误的解决方法。错误表明重定向URI未在API控制台中正确注册。解决方案包括检查并确保在API控制台中添加了正确的重定向URI,同时注意协议(http或https)的一致性。使用gem omniauth-google-oauth2的开发者可能会遇到此问题。
向 Microsoft 标识平台注册应用程序 - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn
你的应用必须注册到 Microsoft Entra ID。 注册应用会建立信任关系,并允许应用访问 Microsoft 云中的受保护资源。
ExtraNews, by Peter v.d. Hulst - Joomla Extension Directory
Extranews plugin: Older,Newer,Related,Random,Popular,Lastest and Same Author Articles
Dropdown Last Modified, by Peter v.d. Hulst - Joomla Extension Directory
This module displays a dropdown list with the last modification date on as dropdown text. Upon selection, the article is retrieved. The list is sorted on modification date from recent to older. Optional modification date can be shown before or aft...
ContentNotifier, by Peter v.d. Hulst - Joomla Extension Directory
ContentNotifier is the successor of jContentStatus (1.5 plugin) (thanx Josh Prakash for the idea !) Plugin to display New and Updated gif files from anywhere in a content or automaticly at the beginning of the article.
Search / Replace utility, by Edwin2Win sprlu - Joomla Extension Directory
This a Joomla 1.5, 2.5, 3.x and 4.0native system plugin allow to search and replace any content present in a page.
XTypo, by TemplatePlazza - Joomla Extension Directory
XTypo is a Joomla plugin that provides additional functionality to your Joomla Editor field (either Tiny MCE or JCE). With XTypo, you can add a collection of stylish, ready-to-use HTML snippets to enrich and enhance the appearance of your articles...
Floating Buttons, by TemplatePlazza - Joomla Extension Directory
Floating Buttons is a simple module allows you to easily create Material Design inspired Floating Action Buttons that floats above the UI
HTML 2 Articles
Brandt OSS - Open Source Software and Services
Open Source Software and Services
Valor Apps - Easy File Uploader - Version 2.9.4
Valor Apps - Easy Folder Listing Pro - Version 4.5
Place an Article
A pluging to show one article inside another, replaceable text like some instructions or terms can be shown inside any article. Include this code
Document Details | Weekly Backup Script
Joomla Multi Sites manage multiple websites with the same joomla 1.5.x installation. This multiple sites component use multiple joomla configuration files. One or more domain name can be assigned to specific configuration.
Document Details | hello.zip
SeoLinks - the plugin for internal linking in Joomla | AllForJoomla apps
Плагин SeoLinks представляет собой удобный инструмент SEO оптимизатора для внутренней перелинковки сайта. Он позволяет составить набор слов или словосочетаний и назначить им ссылки.
Broken Link Checker
Creative Solutions - Joomla! Extensions, WordPress Plugins, Custom Development
Creative WordPress plugins, Joomla extensions
Get to know the new Joomla! Task Scheduler - The Joomla Community Magazine
Get to know the new Joomla! Task Scheduler in Joomla 4.1. Learn how to automate your website tasks with Joomla's new web-cron Task Scheduler.
Individuelle zielorientierte Konzeption, Ausgestaltung und techn. Umsetzung von Websites für kleine Unternehmen liegen bei Boldt Webservice in den besten Händen
BwTransifex 是一款针对 Joomla! 的扩展,旨在从 transifex.com 获取最新的扩展语言文件,并将其打包成可在 Joomla! ...
BwPostman 是一款适用于 Joomla! 的完整且功能丰富的新闻通讯扩展,旨在简化新闻通讯的创建、管理和发送过程。 其主要功能包括:
AuthCaptcha for Joomla, by bkrbkr - Joomla Extension Directory
A BruteForce attack is a major security risk to any website. In this type of attack, a hacker tries to guess a user's password with millions of requests. Especially weak passwords are vulnerable to this type of attack. In addition, a ...
WooCommerce solutions for your shop
We create eCommerce solutions for WooCommerce shops
Content Plugin: ChatGPT Article Meta description
Once the plugin is installed, you can use it to generate Meta Description for an article with the help of ChatGPT. Simply click the “Generate Meta Description”
How it Works
Valor Apps - Home
Easy File Uploader, by Michael A. Gilkes - Joomla Extension Directory
This is a flexible file upload module. It allows the administrator to specify a destination folder, and allows the user to upload files to it. The administrator can also specify how many files that can be uploaded simultaneously, as well as the te...
Content - Export Article, by Nicola Galgano - Joomla Extension Directory
With this plugin you can share articles to another Joomla 4 or 5 based site in just one click.
Content Plugin: Export Article
Attachments, by Jonathan Cameron - Joomla Extension Directory
The 'Attachments' extension for Joomla! allows files to be uploaded and attached to articles and other types of content. URLs can also be attached.
Premium Joomla Extensions | AllForJoomla apps
Premium Joomla extensions that are super easy to use
The Loom - Cuter Weblinks
The Loom - Home
Out of Memory Error vs Allowed Memory Error on a Joomla Website - itoctopus
We know, it’s been a couple of weeks since we last wrote a post on this blog – we’re not getting lazy, it’s just that we had quite a few large projects in December. Still, we feel guilty, and so we decided to write a post right now, and if you wan...
Home - itoctopus
itoctopus is a friendly North American company with a proven expertise in salvaging, securing, optimizing, and extending small to enterprise Joomla websites.
HikaShop - Integration with ReCaptcha
此插件发布后,将在您网站的注册表上添加 ReCaptcha 反垃圾邮件验证。它与 Joomla、HikaShop、AlphaRegistration、ccUsers 和 JomSocial 兼容。 它还允许您在联系表单上添加 ReCaptcha 反垃圾邮件验证。它与 Joomla、QContacts 和 Contac...
Rapicode | Joomla Extension Developer
rapicode, joomla extension, joomla module, joomla component, joomla plugin
Home - ql.de - Websites - Joomla! und Individualprogrammierung
KAINOTOMO PH LTD is a company that specializes in developing software solutions and provide hosting packages for various industries. We have a team of experienced and passionate developers who are always ready to take on new challenges and deliver...
ChronoMyAdmin 是一个 Joomla 扩展,可帮助您管理 Joomla 数据库表,它可以用作 phpmyadmin 的 Joomla 替代品。
一个joomla网站多语言的功能是如何建立的 - Joomla!中文网
joomla 3多语言、多语言功能
Joomshopping Downloads
JoomShopping download for Joomla 3
如何恢复或重置管理员密码? - Joomla! Documentation
1.一次登录到后端和前端我非常喜欢的一种便捷功能,尤其是在发布文章或页面(通过SP Page Builder)进行编辑时。Joomla的默认系统在后端没有提供文章预览链接。但是作者可以从前端存档中查看未发布的文章/页面的预览-鉴于此,您需要在前端登录。要添加文章,首先您需要登录到后端,然后需要在前端再次登录以查看预览!这就是默认的Joomla文章发布系统的设计方式。
Joomla隐藏首页文章的多种方法(joomla 1.5)
一般企业类的网站,都不喜欢在首页有文章区域或者博客排版区域,而Joomla的网站却无法避免这个问题,下面我们就来讨论一下如何解决。 一、使用双模板 最暴力的方法,使用两个一样模板,一个模板设置为默认,一个模板指派给首页;指派给首页的模板,删除模板文件的下面代码: <jdoc:include t...
jNews, by Joobi - Joomla Extension Directory
jNews does NOT inserts backlinks that will impact SEO.
itcs Matomo, by it-conserv.de - Joomla Extension Directory
Plugin for Matomo (formerly Piwik)
Home - WDMtech Store
Find professional Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x extensions from wdmtech! for your website.
super cache
Mailster (Free Version)
订阅下载模块-Subscribe to Download Marketing Module for Joomla
Email Marketing Joomla Extension
Joomla Extensions - Tech Fry
Migrator addons
Migrator addons. Read more
Joomla Extensions Demo Site
Simple Floating Buttons
Pro Joomla Design Resource, Joomla Templates, Joomla Extensions
Joomla-Gallery-free | View-document-details | Downloads
Welcome to OrdaSoft Joomla Extensions and Joomla Template. Try our Joomla extensions, Joomla Templates and build professional Joomla site for Real Estate, Auto dealers, Book libraries, Media libraries, memberships.
Import Joomla Extension - Tech Fry
Auto Sender
This extension enables you to send your articles to users of your website via e-mail automatically. When you create or save an article, e-mails will be sent automatically to users.
JMail Queue
Phoca Email Component
Mini Frontpage
Home - FLEXIcontent - Advanced CCK for Joomla!
FLEXIcontent - Advanced Content Management System and CCK for Joomla!
FLEXIcontent - Joomla的高级内容管理系统和CCK。
Boost your sales with our powerful extensions for Joomla and Virtuemart
cdnjs.cloudflare.com is an ultra-fast, reliable, globally available content delivery network for open-source libraries.
Responsive Joomla Templates and Premium Joomla templates club | JoomlArt
Best of the Joomla templates since 2005. Offering responsive Joomla templates & free Joomla templates with 200+ Joomla template collection, 40+ Joomla extension library. 300K+ happy members
创建示例数据 Create sample data
Home - Jomres - The Hotel and Villa Booking Engine for WordPress and Joomla
Jomres free open source online booking system and reservation software for Joomla and Wordpress.
Membership Pro - Joomla会员订阅
云盘EDocman - Joomla Download Manager - Documents Management
JExtBOX The BOX of Joomla Extensions
There are extensions for newer versions of Joomla! CMS on this page. All extensions are open source and are released under GPLv3 license.
AntiCopyThis plugin helps to protect your copyrighted content from being copied wi...
Smart Mailer - The Krotek
We create one of the best extensions for Joomla, OpenCart, WordPress and IPS Community Suite. We also offer migration and upgrade services for these frameworks.
Social Crossposting - The Krotek
This small, but feature rich plugin allows you to post your article in five social networks and blogging systems. Unlike other huge ass extensions, this one is indeed small all-in-one solution. There're no similar plugins on the market and, damn, ...
OSDownloads is the easiest way to add downloads to Joomla.
OSDownloads gives you an flexible and reliable Joomla downloads directory. OSDownloads can store and share files on your computer and on remote services such as Dropbox, Box.com, G...
SobiPro - Most advanced Multi-Content Component for Joomla!
Joom Sky
We offer quality Joomla extensions and word press plugins with best user experience. We have JS Jobs for Joomla and WordPress, JS Support Ticket for Joomla and Word Press, Vehicle system for Joomla and WordPress.
Attachments for Joomla!
Attachments home page
Content - Grab Images
Smart Seller - The Krotek
jQuery Includer
使用适用于 Joomla 1.5 - 3.x 的这个 jQuery 包含插件,您可以:
包括一个缩小的、gzip 压缩版本的 jQuery。 设置一个遥远的过期标头以最小化服务器请求。 包括任何较旧或较新版本的 jQuery。 这个扩展是 GPLv2/MIT 双重许可的。 鼓励开发人员将此插件与他们自己的扩展捆绑在一起。
重要提示 :此插件仅在 PHP 5.2 及更高版本上测试。 请不要尝试将其安装在 PHP 版本较低的服...
JMG Live Search
JMG Live Search is a free extension that improves your Joomla search. Your visitors can get instant search results with images. Instead of clicking t…
Price List component - Joomla Extensions by Joomill
PagePeel Banner
Rentalot (Free)
Rentalot is a free rental management system for businesses in the holiday property rental market.
Payage 是一个免费的 Joomla 组件,专门用于管理支付和支付网关。 Payage 仅处理付款。 它不是购物车或预订系统。 Payage 是 Joomla 电子商务应用程序与支付网关集成的最佳方式。
Payage 支持任意数量的网关和任意数量的应用程序。 它简化了企业主的付款管理。 它简化了应用程序代码,使应用程序更加可靠。 它简化了添加和维护支付网关的过程。 它简化了测试和故障排除。 它包括全...
简单的响应菜单-Simple Responsive Menu
简单响应式菜单是标准 Joomla 垂直菜单的替代品。 在足够宽的屏幕上,此页面的右侧有一个垂直菜单。 在 800 像素宽以下,菜单变为选择列表,固定在窗口的左上角。 尝试一下。
Simple Responsive Menu 可让您配置切换发生的屏幕宽度以及选择列表的位置。
Simple Responsive Menu 是完全免费的,它的使用没有任何限制。
有时您需要在客户自己的站点上分析问题。 如果幸运的话,您可以获得 Joomla 管理员访问权限,但您获得 FTP 或 PhpMyAdmin 访问权限的可能性要小得多。 如果无法访问文件系统或数据库,则在客户...
Simple Sliders
Simple Tabs
Best Joomla SEO extensions in 2022
Joomla is an award-winning open-source, free-to-use content management system (CMS) for building web applications and publishing online content. Jooml...
Tag Meta Downloads
Tag Meta Community for Joomla 3.0
Best Joomla Templates & Joomla Extensions - RSJoomla!
Since 2007, RSJoomla! has the best Joomla Form Builder, the most advanced Joomla Security solution and a lot of professional Joomla templates. RSJoomla! has successfully created valuable resources for the Joomla! Community.
Open Source Software Implementation and Development
Programování a vývoj software
Tassos Marinos
I am developing Joomla extensions for a living
Shack Toolbox
Shack Toolbox是在Joomla网站上显示弹出窗口和模块的最佳方式。Shack Toolbox拥有十几种媒体和营销集成,包括推特,谷歌地图,Joomla文章等等。
Shack Toolbox有许多不同的设计和布局选项,适用于您的内容。您可以选择许多不同的主题。您还可以从包含弹出窗口,灯箱,滑块,底部条,淡入替换和侧栏的效果中进行选择。<...
Shack Article Manager
Shack Locations
Shack Locations是在Joomla中创建基于位置的目录的最佳方法。
使用Shack Locations,您可以创建具有自定义地图,标记,信息框和数百个位置的高级目录。您可以使用自定义字段向您的位置添加详细信息。并且,您可以为您的用户提供能够通过位置搜索和过滤。
Shack表格是为Joomla网站添加表格的最简单而最强大的方法。Shack Forms允许您自定义表单,然后在您的文章中显示它们,内部弹出窗口,模块或所需任何地方。
Shack Forms的设计完全灵活,具有许多不同的主题,风格和效果。不使用任何编码,棚屋形式在您的网站上看起来很漂亮。
Joomla SiteMap将帮助谷歌和其他搜索引擎查找并理解您的网站的内容。
JCAL Pro-最好的Joomla日历扩展
几乎每个组织的网站都可以从事日历中受益。对于Joomla网站,显而易见,最受欢迎的选择是JCAL Pro。
JCAL Pro提供简单性,灵活性,强大的功能集和华丽模板,以适应几乎任何颜色方案。从私人和社区日历到活动审核,JCAL Pro肯定会符合您的日历需求。
Shack Analytics-Joomla的完整分析解决方案
Shack Analytics是一个单一的扩展,用于管理您网站上的所有分析代码。
Joomla网站所有者通常有脚本,如Google Analytics,AdWords,Clicky,Facebook,MailChimp和其他网站。但这些脚本在随机模块,插件或模板文件中隐藏起来。
通过选择预先设计的模板 - 优化以获得更高的转换速率 - 或创建自己的自定义模板,Jinbound自致易于使用和灵活性,并包含一个拖放表单构建器。
Shack Slides
Shack Spreadsheets
Droptables - Joomla Table Manager Extension
Droptables is the most powerful Joomla table manager extension. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTSs with a spreadsheet interface and make Excel file synchronization
Joomunited | Joomla and WordPress quality extensions
JoomUnited, high quality extensions for Joomla and WordPress CMS. Extension tools like media manager, file manager, SEO and general site management
Joomla和WordPress CMS的高质量扩展。扩展工具,如媒体管理器,文件管理器,搜索引擎优化和一般网站管理
Php Web Design
Publish your data online
Turn your Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, or MS Access database into a powerful online database application with a few clicks. Fully featured free plan available.
把您的微软Excel电子表格,或MS Access数据库成为一个强大的在线数据库应用程序,只需几次点击。全功能的免费计划可用。
Site internet pas cher de haute qualite
site internet pas cher, devis gratuit pour réaliser un site internet, boutique en ligne clé en main ou site vitrine pour présenter votre activité.
JMB Donation
Using the JMB Donation content plugin you can enable bloggers and content writers on your website to raise funds via PayPal or Yandex.Money.
Antivirus Website Protection for Joomla
Joomla Extensions and Templates - Ext-Joom.com
Browse the showcase Joomla Extensions and Templates.
eXtplorer - a PHP-based File Manager
ByeByeGenerator Plugin - RicheyWeb
ByeByeGenerator 外挂会移除网页原始码中「<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! - Open Source Content Management" />」讯息以及 RSS 订阅、robots.txt 等服务 / 档案中网站建立者的描述。
Favicon Package - RicheyWeb
JCS - Joomla! Checksum Scanner - Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
JCS - Joomla! Checksum Scanner - File Scanner - Matching of all files with the help of snapshots and archives - Monitoring security extension - Component for Joomla! 3.x
JCS - Joomla!校验和扫描仪 - 文件扫描程序 - 在快照和档案的帮助下匹配所有文件 - 监控joomla的安全扩展 - 组件!...
EBR - Easybook Reloaded - Kubik-Rubik Joomla! Extensions
Easybook Reloaded - Easybook Reloaded is a guestbook component for Joomla! with many useful features. - Type: Component - License: GPLv3
Easybook Reloaded - Easybook Reloaded是Joomla的留言簿组件!具有许多有用的功能。—License: GPLv3
Admin Forever | Joomla! extension
Joomla! 書籍簡介 - 華燈初上
Joomla! 書籍以及教學課程介紹
2GLux - Joomla Extensions
Web development and design company specializing in open source platforms such as Joomla!, WordPress, Drupal, Magento.
Joomla!设计/定制/开发/企业应用 - 六艺开源CMS服务商
六艺网络专注Joomla定制服务与响应式网站定制,Joomla企业网站定制与外贸网站定制。我们作为中国最早Joomla的团队,拥有最国内最专业的开发人员和标准的服务模式。 北京六翼信息技术有限公司。电话010-8646 9696
mp3 Browser - mp3 Browser - Totaal Software
Totaal Software by Sander Verhagen focuses on the delivery of software products with a long-term life-cycle
Sander Verhagen的total Software专注于具有长期生命周期的软件产品交付
Joomla的数据库 - Joomla! Documentation
Stop Bad Bots Joomla Component (Free)
JComments Avatars adds avatars support to JComments component for Joomla
Web house of company KAINOTOMO PH LTD
Home - Joomla Expert
Expert, professional Joomla web development agency with customers all over the world. We specialize in Joomla upgrades, migrations and optimizing your Joomla web presence.
专家、专业的 Joomla 网络开发机构,客户遍布世界各地。我们专注于 Joomla 升级、迁移和优化您的 Joomla 网络存在。<...
Joomla Admin Extension: Innovative Administration Tool
Component Creator
Generate a fully functional, ready to install, custom Joomla component in no time. Component Creator takes all the tedious work out of Joomla development.
auth-mailbox-joomla · GitHub
Plugin for Joomla! to authenticate users against a mail server using IMAP, NNTP, or POP3.
Joomla的插件! 使用IMAP,NNTP或POP3针对邮件服务器对用户进行身份验证。
Phoca - Building Web Apps. Powerful extensions for Joomla!.
OrdaSoft Web Design and Web Development - Joomla, Drupal, WordPress
Ordasoft creates professional Drupal themes, Joomla templates and extensions, WordPress themes for first-class real estate websites, vehicle websites, online book libraries and many more. Join our Drupal theme club and Joomla template clubs.
We provide free & commercial extensions for Joomla! CMS made with love.
Stop Bad Bots, SPAM bots, Crawlers, and spiders. Table with more than 4.600 bad bots included. Bad bots consume bandwidth, put SPAM in your comments and contact form, slow down, and overload your server and can hack your ser...
JCE - A Content Editor for Joomla!
I hate writing about myself, so this might get weird.
As with any "About Me" page, I'm supposed to say things that inspire confidence. Unfortunately, I'm a realist. Either you believe I can affect your goals...
Free and Premium Joomla Extensions and Templates - JoomBoost
We provide the highest quality of Joomla extensions (components, modules and plugins), templates and services for your Joomla websites.
Akeeba has produced software for Joomla, WordPress, and the occasional stand-alone PHP application since 2006. We believe in crafting quality software, with a special focus on security and ...
How stop and block bad bots crawlers and spiders,WP plugin and PHP App
How to stop bad bots, crawlers and spiders, block bad bots and spiders, free wordpress plugin and PHP App
Joomla Extension Developer - JoomlaKave
JoomlaKave is a Joomla Extension Developer Company - It Develops Joomla Module, Plugin and Components. Also does Joomla Custom Development,
Commercial Extensions Absolute Floating Menu AutoAnchor Menu Fixed'n'Sticky Smooth Scroll Anchors Responsive Module Rerouter Urge VisitorFree Extensions C...
Web Development Company - IT Outsourcing
Our web development company develops eCommerce, custom made and CMS based websites. We provide our services world wide.
Disable right click
Disable right clicks on your Joomla websites and prevent the content to be copied.
Download extensions and themes for CMS Joomla and Wordpress.
Snoeren Development
NYC HelpDesk specializes in Joomla! development, upgrades, migrations and maintenance. We are the developers of several Joomla! extensions, our most popular being the Simple Share e...
Remote Modules Loader
The premier events calendar for Joomla! Offering powerful repeat patterns, exception handling and choice of layouts.
EasyLayouts - Transform your Joomla! content without the need for coding
Easy Layouts, making the development of powerful Joomla! websites easier with no template overrides
Embed FROM Joomla to Websites V1
Do you need to offer an EMBED option on your articles in order to be embed at other websites?
方便快速复制文章的插件 。
Weblink Logos
From web design, hard-coded web site or starting just as an idea, we create your site and give you the tools and support so YOU are the one in charge of its content.
MP3 Browser for Joomla 2.5.x
Joomla Downloads
For the best web design in Birmingham and web development in Birmingham, Joomla web design, Joomla in Birmingham, SEO
Ticket Support and Help Desk System for Joomla - JV-HelpDesk
Provide your Joomla customers, a highly efficient, feature rich, super fast, easy to use and professional 1-on-1 dedicated ticket support system and Help Desk using JV-HelpDesk.
Simplify Your Web - Home
Passion for programming
HD-Custom CSS
HD-Custom CSS is a simple module that allows you to style pages individually from the rest of the site. Just as the Custom HTML module allows you to insert HTML on a specific page, the Custom CSS module allows you override styles ...
WebsSite smartaddons...
Joomla! - Forums
Joomla! Forums