Sypex Dumper [saipeks d?mper] is a software product (PHP-script), which can help you create a backup (dump) of a MySQL database, and also restore the database from the backup if needed. Sypex Dumper, unlike many similar programs (scripts), is optimized...
Upwork 是全球最大的、最优秀的、最规范的综合类人力外包服务平台,由著名的 Elance 和 oDesk 合并。这里聚集900万来自全球各地的自由工作者,你肯定可以在找到适合你的职位。 accompagne les grands comptes dans la création et la gestion de leur écosystème de freelances et de PME d’expertise. 的工作类型覆盖了很多不同的领域,由程序开发到市场营销、广告、会计、法务等一系列的可以远程的工作。
Find Top Designers & Creative Professionals on Dribbble. We are where designers gain inspiration, feedback, community, and jobs. Your best resource to discover and connect with designers worldwide. 在Dribbble上找到顶级设计师和创意专业人士。我们是设计师获得灵感、反馈、社区和工作的地方。您最好的资源来发现和联系世界各地的设计师。   你没看错,Dribbble...
Stack Overflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share​ ​their programming ​knowledge, and build their careers. Stack Overflow是最大的、最值得信赖的在线社区,供开发人员学习、分享他们的编程知识,并建立自己的职业生涯。   被广大程序员熟知的 Stackoverflow 本身就是一个全民远程工作的公司,程序员在远程工作中有很大的先天优势,Stackoverflow...
The global creative platform for custom graphic design: logos, websites and more. Hire a talented designer or start a design contest. 500k+ happy customers have used 99designs to grow their business. 定制平面设计的全球创意平台:标识、网站等。雇佣一个有才华的设计师或开始一个设计竞赛。超过50万的客户已经使用...
Looking for a remote job? Remote OK® is the #1 Remote Job Board and has 48,388+ remote jobs as a Developer, Designer, Copywriter, Customer Support Rep, Sales Professional, Project Manager and more! Find a career where you can work remotely from anywhere...
Toptal enables start-ups, businesses, and organizations to hire freelancers from a growing network of top talent in the world. Find quality talent to work full-time, part-time, or hourly who will seamlessly integrate into your team. Toptal帮助初创企业、企业和组织从世界上不断增长的顶尖人才网络中雇佣自由职业者。寻找高质量的人才来从事全职、兼职或小时制的工作,他们会无缝地融入你的团队。 Toptal...
Topcoder is home to the world’s largest community of designers, developers, and data scientists. Allowing you the freedom to start and execute faster. Topcoder是世界上最大的设计师、开发者和数据科学家社区的所在地。允许您自由地更快地启动和执行。 Topcoder 通过算法比赛吸引世界顶级的程序员,他会将一下大型项目分割成很多小模块,通过竞赛的模式交给用户来做,优胜者可以拿到制定模块的奖金。
小米官网直营小米公司旗下所有产品,包括Xiaomi手机系列Xiaomi 11 Ultra、MIX FOLD,Redmi 红米系列Redmi Note 9、Redmi K40 Pro,小米电视、笔记本、米家智能家居等,同时提供小米客户服务及售后支持.
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