世卫组织同时表示,这场大流行已造成超过 690 万人死亡,扰乱了全球经济,严重破坏了我们的社会,而新冠疫情不再构成“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”是朝着结束大流行迈出的重要一步。 2020年1月30日…
这个稍后阅读应用增加了功能,使其成为诸如 Pocket、Paper 和 Instapaper 之类应用的可靠替代品。早在 2014 年,我 写了篇关于 wallabag 的文章,它是诸如 Instapaper 和 Pocket 这样的稍后阅读应用的开源替代品。…
What makes Simple DNS Plus "simple" is its user interface and automation features. All options and settings are available directly from the intuitive Windows user interface. It provides wizards for common tasks such as setting up new zones, importing...
Sentora is an open-source web hosting control panel built specifically to work on a variety of Linux distributions. Sentora is licensed under the GPL and is a separately maintained fork of the original ZPanel project.
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