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Web Design Resources for Web Designers. We include Photoshop Tutorials, WordPress Plugins, and Web Development tools. Download free icons, Photoshop brushes and tools for web and graphic designers. 网站设计资源。
介绍有趣的语言现象。 Language Log was started in the summer of 2003 by Mark Liberman and Geoffrey Pullum. For nearly five years, it ran on the same elderly linux box, with the same 2003-era blogging software, sitting in a dusty corner of a group office at the...
Project Work Totaal Software/Sander Verhagen has done Java project work for various startups and small companies in the Netherlands and the Portland area, alongside full-time employment at both small-scale companies and large enterprises. Perhaps...
  张恒春始创于清朝嘉庆五年(公元1800年),秉承“虔诚虽无人见,存心自有天知”的祖训,二百年来“次货不上柜,配方遵古法”牌匾,始终悬挂在张恒春店堂之上。存心于仁、诚信为本、遵古创新、医药并重是张恒春中医药文化的基本内涵。       从“公和兴”到“抽厘制”,倡导“富福同享”。民国初期享誉海内外,被世人誉为国药“三块半招牌”,与北京同仁堂、汉口叶开泰、杭州胡庆余堂齐名。       建国后被确定为全国重点中药厂,起草多项中成药、饮片质量标准。1991年,被国家国内贸易部评定为首批“中华老字号”。...
The most complete library of Marxism with content in 62 languages and the works of over 720 authors readily accessible by archive, sujbect, or history.
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