
Chinese police arrested more than 11,000 suspects in the course of the investigation of 45 major cross-border gambling cases in 2024, the Ministry of Public Security announced on Thursday.

Public security

authorities across China investigated and handled a total of 73,000 cases related to cross-border gambling and associated crimes last year, with over 4,500 online gambling platforms dismantled in the process, according to the ministry.

The ministry added that these efforts had further strengthened the "overwhelming crackdown" on cross-border gambling activities -- as the police had eradicated multiple recruitment networks and underground financial channels operated by major overseas gambling syndicates within China.

In response to certain overseas cities luring Chinese tourists for gambling activities, relevant Chinese authorities introduced a tourism destination blacklist targeting cross-border gambling risks, imposing restrictions on listed destinations such as the suspension of outbound group tours.

Restrictive measures targeting the first batch of blacklisted destinations were implemented in August 2020.

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