
Up to 99.6 percent of China's community and township-level healthcare centers are capable of providing traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services, according to the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (NATCM).

style="margin: 0px 3px 15px; text-align: left;">There are approximately 42,000 TCM clinics at primary-level medical facilities nationwide, the NATCM told a press conference on Friday.

China has made significant strides in advancing appropriate skills related to TCM services, with the proportion of community and township-level healthcare centers equipped with such skills rising to 98 percent, according to the NATCM.

The accessibility, equity, and sustainability of grassroots TCM services in China have been consistently enhanced through targeted, extensive, direct and effective measures aimed at developing TCM clinics, said Xing Chao, an NATCM official.

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