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At this point you should already be well understood how to use the content on the site can attract targeted visitors. Through search engines or, if someone liked your content so that he decided to put a link to your content anywhere at home.


There is another way and it 's content distribution . The essence is quite simple. You share your mater ials with others and thus get to your site direct links for which there may come a stable source of targeted visitors. Because if your content is really high quality, visitors certainly> will go to your site because it is the primary source. The only question is: "How can you distribute your content?"

So, we introduce the search engine "add article". That's roughly the same as add site. On the Internet there are many article directories. Where you can post your articles for free. And the reason for this, of course, is that the owners need content directory as well as all the people that people would continue to attend this directory. And if your article has at least some kind of quality I'm sure that it is no problem to get articles directory. So create your own distribution channels.

About the spread I want to say: "Do not you need after you've created the content, wrote the article immediately publish it anywhere." Since search engines are not able to recognize the source. You first need to wait for your page and the search engines will index well remember it as the source. Because if someone comes to your website on the keyword on the first place in the extradition will stand exactly your page and not the page with any catalog.

Once you've spent a dense work on the above instructions you should have their distribution channels. Publish your articles to article directories publish your articles to the top sites, publish your articles on social networks and you will receive on your site targeted visitors.

This is another way to attract visitors to your site with the help of content.



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